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Home Renovation

Retrofit Fire Spinkler System Engineers

Fire Sprinkler Retrofit allows us to install sprinkler systems into existing structures, conversions and extensions.

Our team complies with the current legislation and industry standards, while liaising with key stakeholders and any in situ tenants of the property.


Our work is carried out quickly and efficiently, to ensure residential homes and flats are ready for occupancy without delay, and to minimise costs and disruption to the building fabric.


We offer a full design process and can supply, install and maintain your new sprinkler equipment. We can ensure that your Fire Sprinkler Retrofit project meets modern BS9251 standards.

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Call now on 0800 009 6906.

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I would like to compliment the engineers that we have met on site who have completed the servicing and repair works on the systems....I cannot find one area where I would be unhappy with the service we have received.

Jack Newell, Weaver Vale Housing Trust

Why retrofit sprinklers?


Many premises, both residential and commercial, have no sprinkler systems in place. However, there is a growing body of legislation requiring sprinkler systems to be installed as part of changes in use, conversion to residential, and even as part of extensions and refurbishments.


Retro fitting sprinkler systems allows you to comply with legislation, while also showing your tenants that you have considered fire safety when making renovations and refurbishments. We can do this while minimising disruption and avoiding unnecessary costs.


Because of this, retrofitting existing sprinkler systems can be:

  • Fast

  • Affordable

  • Stress-free


However, especially when working on a building that is already occupied by sitting tenants, it's important to work with a professional sprinkler design and installation company who can make sure your sprinkler system meets modern standards and is installed seamlessly.



Why is retrofitting sprinklers systems important?


Fire protection system retrofit is increasingly a legal requirement in residential properties of all types, and can help to safeguard residents in high-rise apartment buildings, student accommodation and care homes.


In the wake of the Grenfell Tower tragedy, the British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA) sponsored a sprinkler retrofit project in Callow Mount, a multi-storey residential block in Sheffield.


The subsequent Safer High-rise Living report concluded: "It is both cost-effective and practical to retrofit automatic fire sprinklers in occupied, high-rise social housing blocks without disturbing residents."


With a higher number of sources of ignition (e.g. the large number of kitchens in multi-storey apartment blocks) the immediate, targeted fire suppression offered by sprinklers can save both lives and property with no human intervention required.



Why are sprinklers good for tenants?


Tenants should be made aware of the significant benefits of automatic sprinkler systems, which will help to overcome any initial reluctance to have them installed.


Sprinkler systems are automatic and targeted, dispensing water only in the immediate vicinity of the fire. This means that they react quickly to contain the fire, without causing water damage to surrounding areas.


In large buildings, this means that neighbouring areas are unlikely to be severely damaged and follow-up work to extinguish the fire by emergency services can be contained to a much smaller area too.


Alarm-only systems do not begin to suppress the fire until the emergency services arrive. This allows flames to take hold, putting tenants at greater risk and resulting in much more significant water damage as firefighters attempt to regain control of the blaze.


Retrofitted fire suppression systems are cost-effective, and often don't have a visual impact thanks to the recessed sprinkler heads we can install in the ceilings. This all adds up to offer substantial value to new and existing tenants alike. 



Do I need a fire sprinkler retrofit?


Retro fitting a sprinkler system is desirable in many substantial residential property works, whether renovating interiors, adjusting layouts or building extensions. In Wales, all new residential extensions must be fitted with a sprinkler system, and we believe this will be introduced in England in the coming years too.


Legislation requiring sprinkler systems only moves in one direction over time, so retrofitting sprinklers as part of refurbishment and extensions now will help to future-proof your property against tighter rules in the future.


Base Fire Sprinklers monitor any changes in building regulations and legislation for property owners, construction companies and landlords. We aim to keep abreast of the ever-changing laws on sprinklers in England, Wales and across the UK.


If you are not sure whether a retrofit sprinkler system is a legal requirement in your property, or you would like expert help to determine the capacity of the sprinkler system you should install, please contact us and we will be happy to help you meet your obligations.

Calculating capacity of retrofit sprinkler systems


We can survey your property and calculate the minimum capacity of sprinkler systems that you should retrofit as part of your extension, conversion or refurb. 


Remember that if you are changing the layout or increasing the occupancy of the building, you should check that your planned sprinkler system meets the legal minimums.


Some of the aspects of retrofit sprinkler systems that we can advise on include:

  • Water tank: Do you need one? What size should it be? Where can it go?

  • Water pipes: We use flexible, heat-resistant CPVC pipes for easy installation

  • Sprinkler heads: How many? In what positions?


Together, these elements of a retrofit sprinkler system ensure you have sufficient water pressure and good enough coverage of all areas of your property, with hidden sprinkler heads that descend into view only when required to dispense water and contain a fire.

Water Tank Capacity Calculator

Our Online Water Tank Size Calculator provides a free estimate of tank size requirements for a residential fire sprinkler system. This easy-to-use online tool will help you determine the right sizing for your water tank needs.

Math Notebook and Calculator
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Why choose Base Fire Sprinklers?

We are accredited to a number of industry standards, including SafeContractor Approved, UKAS Product Certification, the Fire Protection Association (FPA), and the British Automatic Fire Sprinkler Association (BAFSA).


We're also proud to hold FIRAS Certification from Warringtonfire, the leading certification scheme for fire sprinkler system installations.


A good retrofit should give you complete peace of mind that your premises are fully compliant with legislation and building regulations. Occupant safety is the goal, but we also provide confidence about the quality of the installed technology, as well as compliance with minimum capacity requirements.


Together, this allows us to retrofit sprinkler systems as part of your refurbishment or extension work, without adding unnecessary cost or delay to your project timeline overall, and leaving you with cutting-edge, aesthetically pleasing fire protection for all your occupants.

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